프랜차이즈 레스토랑 점장의 직무만족에 관한 연구

A study on the manager장s jon satifaction in franchise restaurant.

  • 발행 : 2000.05.01


This study aims to examine theoretical frame work of franchise restaurant, the characteristics of store manager's job and the level of their job satisfaction through an empirical investigation. Job satisfaction survey study shows that store managers consider important all work to be attended to as part of their duty with service management on top. It is also found that the majority of store managers consider their aptitude as most important job satisfaction factor and those, who are satisfied with their job content, advancement and the prospect, are more proactive in delivering qualify service and more than willing to commit themselves to their duties. Regrading demographical variables, store managers with scholarly competence and higher pay level are more likely to be satisfied with their job but married men are not satisfied with the work environment in general. Ergo, Businesses should correspond by capitalizing on those store managers content with their duty thus collecting additional information and providing opportunities to further contribute to the business. For those dissatisfied individuals, however, businesses should determine their demands and by educational training supply a motive therefore making possible the conversion of such individuals to satisfied store managers and their active participation in business management. But, as with any study, this one has a number of limitation which constraints the generalizability of the empirical findings. It has not been for long since franchise restaurants established in domestic market and has been few studies regarding this topic there. Furthermore, managers are not willing to release operation related data. Therefore, further study are urged to overcome this limitation and should examine other dimensions of job satisfaction such as relations between revenue and profit with the level of store manager's job satisfaction remain to be investigated.
