교과서를 재구성한 수준별 학습지의 개발과 적용을 통한. 자기학습력 신장에 미치는 영향

The Effect to Improvement of Self-Educability through the Development and Application of a Level-Learning Materials Reconstructed Text Book - Simultaneous Equations of the Second Year of Middle School -

  • 박기석 (공주대학교 사범대학 수학교육과) ;
  • 송원수 (충남 고덕중학교)
  • 발행 : 2000.12.01


Mathematics is the subject that requires high mental function such as the ability of logically thinking and investigating. Because of the reason there exists much greater difference in students' individual scholastic abilities in mathematics class than in other classes. Recently many schools organize students into two or three level-based mathematics classes according to each student's level to solve the problem. But in spite of its many merits the new system of class organization has some problems. The problem which is pointed out as the most serious thing frequently is that many teachers still use the same textbook and the same teaching method for all students, not considering student's level. Obviously it causes the reduction of students' interest and motivation. In this point of view, I tried to solve such a problem by development and application of level learning materials reconstructed text book according to students' abilities and levels through this research. As the result of the research to examine the changes of students' emotional factors such as the recognition, interest, and attitude which influence on improving self-educability in learning mathematics has occurred, the following conclusion comes out. 1. Through the mathematics class utilizing level learning materials reconstructed textbook, students come to recognize that level learning materials are more effective than uniformed contents of the same textbook and get more active learning attitude. 2 The application of level learning materials in a level-based class has contributed to increasing students' interest in mathematics. Furthermore it was also effective in the positive changes of students' emotional factors such as the recognition, interest, and attitude which influence on improving self-educability in learning mathematics.
