기본학습요소를 활용한 수준별 유형화 학습이 수리탐구 영역의 문제해결력 신장에 미치는 영향

The effect of achieving problem-solving ability in mathematical searching area based on level type learning using basic learning elements

  • 발행 : 2000.05.01


Above all, the ability to solve problems must be emphasized as a basic skill of mathematics, but it is neglected when we teach. In this study, learning task means [same meaning] [same form] [same technique], so I tried to extend mathematical scholastic ability of the students as an extensional problem solving that is a basic element of mathematics. The purpose of this study is the investigation of level type learning, using the basic learning elements to extend thinking ability. From the constructed hypothesis as follows and then implement it. I selected basic learning elements from an analyzed textbook and then task learning material was created for each level type learning. The problem solving ability will be extended through the level type learning of the small group, using the level type learning task material. The conclusions this study are as follows. The level type learning in small group learning, using and making level type learning material, having basic learning elements in analysed text are. Basic learning content is understood clearly and deeply, so, fundamentally, it is effective in achieving the problem solving in mathematics. It is an effective method to achieve the meta-cognitive faculty because achieved the expected method of solving problems and resulted in the true learning of content.
