A Study on the Applicability of MELCOR to Molten Core-Concrete Interaction Under Severe Accidents

  • 발행 : 2000.10.01


It has been an essential part for the safety assessment of nuclear power plants to understand various phenomena associated with the molten core-concrete interaction(MCCI) under severe accidents. In this study, the severe accident analysis code MELCOR was used to simulate the MCCI experiments such as SWISS and SURC test series which had been performed in Sandia National Laboratories(SNL). The calculation results were compared with corresponding experimental data such as melt temperature, concrete ablation distance, gas generation rate, and aerosol release rate. Good agreements were observed between MELCOR calculation and experimental data. The melt pool was sustained within the range of high temperature and the concrete ablation occurred continuously. The gas generation and aerosol release were under the influence of melt temperature and overlying water pool, respectively.



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