An Experimental Study on the Mass and Energy Release for a Hot Leg Break LBLOCA During Post Blowdown

  • S.J. Hong (Seoul National University) ;
  • Kim, J.H. (Seoul National University) ;
  • Park, G.C. (Seoul National University)
  • Published : 2000.04.01


Hot leg break LBLOCA(Large Break LOCA) had a potential to be a containment maximum pressure accident in YGN3&4, which was induced from excessive conservatism in the CE analysis methodology of mass and energy release. This study conducted mass and energy release experiment for the hot leg break LBLOCA during post blowdown with an integral test facility, SNUF(Seoul National University Facility). This facility simulated YGN 3&4 with volume ratio of 1/1140 based on Ishii's three level scaling. Experiment showed that SI(Safety Injection) water refilled cold leg first and core later. SI water was vaporized in the core, which resulted in the repressurization of reactor. This increase of pressure drove the water in cold leg to flow up half height of U tubes. However, since the water was drained back soon, the release through the SG side broken section by evaporation was negligibly small. This study also provided experimental assessment of RELAP5 results by KAERI for the release through the SG side broken section.



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