The Effect of Coolant Boiling on the Molten Metal Pool Heat Transfer with Local Solidification

  • Published : 2000.02.01


This study is concerned with the experimental test and numerical analysis of the heat transfer and solidification of the molten metal pool with overlying coolant with boiling. In the test, the metal pool is heated from the bottom surface and coolant is injected onto the molten metal pool. Experiments were performed by changing the test section bottom surface temperature of the metal layer and the coolant injection rate. The two-phase boiling coolant experimental results are compared against the dry test data without coolant or solidification of the molten metal pool, and against the crust formation experiment with subcooled coolant. Also, a numerical analysis is performed to check on the measured data. The numerical program is developed using the enthalpy method, the finite volume method and the SIMPLER algorithm. The experimental results of the heat transfer show general agreement with the calculated values. The present empirical test and numerical results of the heat transfer on the molten metal pool are apparently higher than those without coolant boiling. This is probably because this experiment was performed in concurrence of solidification in the molten metal pool and the rapid boiling of the coolant. The other experiments were performed without coolant boiling and the correlation was developed for the pure molten metal without phase change.



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