수산정보시스템 구축전략에 관한 연구

A Study about the Strategies of Building the Fisheries Information Systems

  • 발행 : 2000.06.01


Being Changed the international fisheries situation to begin the WTO, it is important to increase the international competition power in fisheries environment to related our country. One of most important work is to build the Fisheries Information Systems(FIS), FIS should give to increase the efficiency of fisheries policies, to share the fisheries informations, and to increase the competitive power of international fisheries environment. On the conclusion, this paper has four expect effects to build the FIS. First, fisheries information will be supplied the clean fisheries policies based on FIS. Second, The Data Warehouse of FIS will be contributed to improve the criterion and statistics of fisheries data. Third, Fisheries Administration will increase the service between fisheries institutes using the FIS. Finally, fisheries administration will use the fisheries data efficiently as integrating the fisheries data into information systems.
