Flow-through fish test를 이용한 Phosphamidon과 Profenofos의 생물농축계수의 측정

Determination of Bioconcentration Factor on Phosphamidon and Profenofos by Flow-through Fish Test

  • 민경진 (계명대학교 공중보건학과) ;
  • 차춘근 (계명대학교 공중보건학과) ;
  • 서설 (대구보건대학 임상병리과)
  • Min, Kyung-Jin (Department of Public Health, Keimyung University) ;
  • Cha, Chun-Geun (Department of Public Health, Keimyung University) ;
  • Seo, Seol (Department of Clinial Pathology, Taegu Health College)
  • 발행 : 2000.06.01


Zebrafish(Brachydanio rerio)를 실험어류로 하여 phosphamidon과 profenofos의 생물농축계수(bioconcentration factor: BCF)와 배설속도상수(depuration rate constant) 및 LC$_{50}$를 측정하였다. Phosphamidon의 24, 48, 72, 96시간 LC50 모두 l00 mg/l 이상으로 측정되었다. Phosphamidon 1 mg/l(고농도)와 0.2 mg/l(저농도)에서 어류 체내에서의 농축정도는 두 농도군에서 각각 12시간 이후에 정류상태에 도달하여 168시간동안 거의 일정하였고, BCF값도 12시간에서 16시간 사이에 고농도(0.89, n=7)와 저농도(0.96, n=7)모두 1미만으로 낮게 나타났다. Phosphamidon의 배설속도상수는 고농도와 저농도에서 각각 0.21 h-1과 0.18 h-1 이었고, 반감기는 각각 3.30및 3.85시간으로 측정되었다. 고농도와 저농도에서 각각 12시간 및 8시간 이후에는 g당 0.07 및 0.04 $\mu\textrm{g}$이하로 떨어져 대부분 배설된다는 것을 알 수 있었다. Profenofos의 24, 48, 72, 96시간 LC50는 각각 2.9, 2.6, 2.2, 2.O mg/l로 측정되었다. Profenofos의 96시간 LC$_{50}$ 농도의 1/100농도(0.02 mg/l)와 1/500농도(0.004 mg/l)에서 어류체내에서의 농축정도는 phosphamidon과 마찬가지로 12시간 이후에 정류상태에 도달하여 168시간동안 거의 일정하였고, BCF값은 12시간에서 168시간 사이에 96시간 LC$_{50}$농도의 1/100농도와 1/500농도에서 각각 111.3(n=7)과 141.9(n=7)로 측정되었다. Profenofos의 배설속도상수는 96시간 LC50 농도의 1/100농도와 1/500농도에서 각각 0.10 $h^{-1}$과 0.09$h^{-1}$h-1이었고, 반감기는 각각 6.93 및 7.70시간으로 측정되었다. 각각의 농도에서 12시간 및 8시간 이후에는 g당 0.19$\mu\textrm{g}$ 및 0.18$\mu\textrm{g}$이하로 떨어짐을 알 수 있었다. Phosphamidon과 profenofos의 급성어독성은 profenofos가 높았고, BCF profenofos가 phosphamidon보다 약 100배 정도 높게 나타났으며, 배설속도는 phosphamidon이 profenofos보다 약 2배 정도 빨랐다.

The present study was performed to investigate the bioconcentration of phosphamidon and profenofos. The BCFs(bioconcentration factors), depuration rate constants and LC$_{50}$ for two pesticides in zebrafish(Brachydanio rerio) were measured by the flow-through system(OECD guideline 305). The results obtained are summarized as follows: The 24-hrs LC$_{50}$, 48-hrs LC$_{50}$, 72-hrs LC.n and 96-hrs LC$_{50}$ were more than 100 mg/l for phosphamidon. The concentration of phosphamidon in zebrafish reached an equilibrium in 12 hrs at low and high concentrations(0.2 mg/l and 1 mg/1). The average BCF values of phosphamidon were less than 1 at low(0.96, n=7) and high concentrations (0.89, n=7) after 12~168 hrs. Depuration rate constants of phosphamidon were 0.18 hr-1 and 0.21 hr-1, half-life of phosphamidon were 3.85 and 3.30 at low and high concentrations(0.2 mg/l and 1 mg/l), respectively, The concentrations of phosphamidon in zebrafish at low and high concentrations were rapidly decreased after 8(0.04 $\mu\textrm{g}$/g) and 12 hrs(0.07 $\mu\textrm{g}$/g). The 24-hrs LC$_{50}$, 48-hrs LC$_{50}$, 72-hrs LC$_{50}$ and 96-hrs LC$_{50}$ were 2.9, 2.6, 2.2 and 2.0 mg/1 for profenofos. The concentration of profenofos in zebrafish reached an equilibrium in 12 hrs at five-hundredth and one-hundredth concentration of 96-hrs LC$_{50}$(0.004 mgA and 0.02 mg/1). The average BCF values of profenofos were 141.9(n=7) and 111.3(n=7) at five-hundredth and one-hundredth concentration of 96-hrs LC$_{50}$(0.004 mg/l and 0.02 mg/1) after 12~168 hrs. Depuration rate constants of profenofos were 0.09 hr$^{-1}$ and 0.10 hr$^{-1}$, half-life of profenofos were 7.70 and 6.93 at five-hundredth and one-hundredth concentration of 96-hrs LC50(0.004 mg/l and 0.02 mg/1), respectively. The concentrations of profenofos in zebrafish at five-hundredth and one-hundredth concentration of 96-hrs LC$_{50}$ decreased agter 8(0.18 $\mu\textrm{g}$/g) and 12 hrs (0.19 $\mu\textrm{g}$/g). The LC$_{50}$ value in zebrafish showed that acute toxicity of profenofos was higher than that of phosphamidon. The BCF values of profenofos were 100 times higher than those of phosphamidon, and depuration rate of phosphamidon was two times faster than that of profenofos.
