기술혁신학회지 (Journal of Korea Technology Innovation Society)
- 제3권3호
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- Pages.85-101
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- 2000
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- 1598-2912(pISSN)
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- 2713-8666(eISSN)
헤도닉 가격모형을 이용한 개인컴퓨터의 비시장 속성에 대한 가치추정
Applying Hedonic Price Model to Analyzing Non-market Characteristic of Personal Computer
The purpose of this study is to test whether prices of personal computers reflect their varying degrees of non-marketable characteristics including after-sales service. This purpose is carried out using the hedonic price model. In this paper, we estimated 74 functional forms of hedonic price model using the quadratic Box-Cox transformation function and selected one based on the three criteria: expected signs, the statistical significance of estimated coefficients, and goodness of fit in terms of root-mean-square-percentage-error. In this study, we found hat as the after-sales service level increases the price of the personal computer increases. This result is consistent with the hypothesis that the less after-sales service offered with a personal computer, the less consumers are willing to pay for the personal computer, when all else remain constant. This finding shows that since the market works indirectly to influence pricing, the need to rely on consumer protection legislation to guarantee after-sales service is lessened. This study also found that after-sales service supported by each personal computer producer is not a free service, thus produces have a profit incentive for providing after-sales service.