- 한국쌍자엽식물지(초본편) 박만규
- 한국식물도감(하권) 정태현
- 천연쿠마린의 생리활성 신국현;지형준
- 한국산산형류식물의 성분연구(Ⅵ) 지형준
- 한국산 산형과 식물의 성분연구 v.1 no.25 Decursin,Decursinol 및 Nodakenin 의 일반약리작용 지형준;김학성
- 참담귀 성분이 생쥐자발운동에 미치는 영향 v.11 no.11 김학성;박정섭;박혜자;지형준
- Phytochemistry v.8 Chemosystematics of the Umbelliferae(a general survey) Crowden,R.K.Harborne,J.B.;Heywood,V.H.
- v.50 Systematic analysis in phytochemistry Sousa,M.P.Matos,F.J.A.;Tavares,T
- v.13 Occurrence of flavonoid in Angelica archangelenone a new flavanone from the root of Angelica archan-gelica Basa,S.C.,Basu,D.;Chatterjee,Asima
- XVⅡ.Flavonoid patterns in the fruits of the Umbelliferae v.11 Comparative biochemistry of the flavonoids Harborne.J.B.;Williams,C,A.
- Indian J.Chem v.11 Isolation and structure of archangelenone : flavonoid constituent of Angelica archangelica Chatterjee,M.A.,Bass,S.C.;Basu,D
- Shoyakugaku Zasshi v.35 Inhibitory effect of crude Chinese drugs on the denaturation of human gamma-globulin indrced by heat and copper(2+) Yamahara.J.,Yamada,T.,Nakanishi,H.Sawada,T;Fujimura,H
- Deposited Doc v.87 no.83 seeking physiological active com pounds in flowering plants of kirghizia Alimbaeva,P.K.,Nuralieva,Zh.S.,Akimaliev,A.;Aslanoekova,R
- J.B.,Heywood,V.H.and Chen.X.Y v.14 Separation of Ostericum from Angelica on the basis of leaf and mericarp flavonoids Harborne
- Sturcuture of two antimicrobial triterpene saponins from Anagallis arvensis v.26 Amolis,M;Girre,R.L
- 생화학회지 v.29 no.13 땃두릅의 항산화 성분 김주선;강삼식;최재수;이명환;이택수
- 생화학회지 v.12 no.26 인삼과 가시오갈피의 지질과산화억제 작용에 관한 비교 연구 한용남;권은경
- V.Radical scavenging effects of tannins and related polyphenols on 1,1-dephenyl-2-picrylhydrazyl radical v.37 Studies on inhibition mechanism of autoxidation by tannins and flavonoids Yoshida,T.;Okuda,T.
- The flavonoids Harbone,J.B.,Mabry,T.J;Marbry,H
- NMR of flavonoids, Agawal P.k
- Mass spectrometry of heterocyclic compounds 2nd Ed Porter,Q.N
- The Systematic Iedentification of Flavonoid, Marbry,Y.J.,Markham,K.R.;Thomas,M.B
- 생약학회지 v.24 no.26 물봉성의 성분에 관한 연구 김종원;최경숙
- Tetrahydron v.14 Carbon-13-NMR studies of flavonoids-Ⅲ naturally occurring flavonoid glycosides and their acylated derivative Markham K.R.Terrnai B;Stauley R.Geiger H;Mabry T.J
- Flavonoids of Elscholtzia cristata.Arch.Pharm Res v.11 Lee Y.H.,Lee I,R,Woo W.S.,Park C.H
- Kor.J.Pharmacon v.26 Phenolic Compounds from Frullania nisquallensis Kim,Y.C.,Kingstion D,J,C
- Flavine aglycones.J.Food sci v.29 The antioxidant activity of vegitable Extract I. Pratt,D.E;Watts B.M
- Biochem pharmacol v.37 Flavonoids are scavengers of superoxide anions Robak,J.;Gryglewski,R.I
- Bull Liaison Group Poly-phenols v.13 Effect of flavonoids on the release of highly reactive oxygen species by poltmorphonuclear cells Chemiluminescence study, Damon,M.,Michel F,Le Doucen C;Creastes de P.A