- Biometrics v.11 Multiple-range and multiple F tests Duncan, D. B.
- Gran. Can. J. Microbiol v.8 Studies of marine planktonic diatoms-I. Cyclotella nana Hustedt and Detonula confervacea(Cleve) Guillard, R.R.L.;J.H. Ryther
- Handbook of culture of abalone and other marine gastropods Hahn, K.O.
- Nordotis discus. The Suisanzoshoku v.35 no.2 Changes of diatom on plastic plates used for rearing abalone Ioriya, T.;H. Suzuki
- Bull. Tohoku Reg. Fish. Res. Lab. v.33 Technical study on artificial spawning of abalone, Genus Haliotis-I. Relation between water temperature and advancing sexual maturity of Haliotis discus hannai Ino Kikuchi, S.;N. Uki
- Bull. Tohoku Reg. Fish. Res. Lab. v.33 Technical study on artificial spawning of abalone, Genus Haliotis - II. Effect of irradiated sea water with ultraviolet rays on inducing to spawn Kikuchi, S.;N. Uki
- Bull. Tohoku Reg. Fish. Res. Lab. v.34 Technical study on artificial spawning of abalone, Genus Haliotis - III. Reasonable sperm density for fertilization Kikuchi, S.;N. Uki
- Bull. Tohoku Reg. Fish. Res. Lab. v.34 Technical study on artificial spawning of abalone, Genus Haliotis - IV. Duration of fertility related to temperature Kikuchi, S.;N. Uki
- Bull. Tohoku Reg. Fish. Res. Lab. v.34 Technical study on artificial spawning of abalone, Genus Haliotis - V. Reration between water temperature and advancing sexual maturity of Haliotis discus Reeve Kikuchi, S.;N. Uki
- Bull. Tohoku Reg. Fish. Res. Lab. v.35 Technical study on artificial spawning of abalone, Genus Haliotis - VI. On sexual maturation of Haliotis gigantea Gmelin under artificial conditions Kikuchi, S.;N. Uki
- Bull. Tohoku Reg. Fish. Res. Lab. v.43 Technical study on artificial spawning of abalone, Genus Haliotis - VII. Comparative examinations of rearing apparatus for conditioning adult of abalone Kikuchi, S.;N. Uki
- Bull. Tohoku Reg. Fish. Res. Lab. v.44 Technical study on artificial spawning of abalone, Genus Haliotis - VIII. Characteristics of spawning behavior of Haliotis discus hannai induced by ultraviolet irradiation stimulus Kikuchi, S.;N. Uki
- Mar. Fish. Res. v.6 Studies on rearing condition of abalone, Haliotis discus hannai Ino - I. The effects of temperature and food on the growth of larvae and young Nie, Z. Q.;W. H. Chen;M. F. Ji
- Aquaculture v.51 A simple technique for detection of feeding in newly metamorphosed abalone Norman-Boudreau, K.;D. Burns;C. A. Cooke;A. Austin
- Suisanzoshoku v.39 no.3 Effect of attached microalgae on the settlement of larvae and growth of juvenile in abalone Haliotis discus hannai Ino Ohgai, M.;M. Wakano;S. Nagai
- Cocconeis sp. Suisanzoshoku v.40 no.2 The effect of the environmental factors on the growth of attached diatom Ohgai, M.;T. Matsui;H. Takagi
- Nippon Suisan Gakkaishi v.53 no.2 Changing of algal community on the plastic plates used for rearing the abalone Haliotis discus hannai Suzuki, H.;T. Ioriya;T. Seki;Y. Aruga
- Bull. Tokai. Fish. Res. Lab. v.96 Spawning induction of the abalone, Nordotis gigantea by chemical control with hydrogen peroxide Tanaka, Y.
- Bull. Tohoku Reg. Fish. Res. Lab. v.40 Food value of six benthic micro-algae on growth of juvenile abalone Haliotis discus hannai Ino Uki, N.;S. Kikuchi
- Bull. Tohoku Reg. Fish. Res. Lab. v.43 Juvenile growth of the abalone, Haliotis discus hannai. fed certain benthic micro algae related to temperature Uki, N.;J. F. Grant;S. Kikuchi
- Bull. Tokai Reg. Fish. Res. Lab. v.121 Acceleration of the growth of benthic diatoms by using gelled agar Yamada, O.;H. Takano
- 釜山水産大學 碩士學位論文 참전복(Haliotis discus hannai Ino)의 種苗生産을 위한 附着性 硅藻類의 培養 및 먹이生物 效果 金容球
- 釜山水産大學 博士學位論文 참전복, Haliotis discus hannai Ino의 種苗生産에 關한 硏究 盧暹
- 水振硏報 v.13 전복의 增殖에 關한 硏究 - I. 여수 근해산 전복 Haliotis discus hannai Ino의 春季採卵에 關하여 盧暹;朴春奎;卞忠圭
- 水振硏究報告 v.34 참전복의 人工種苗生産試驗 白國基;張貞源;黃永泰;曺基采
- 韓水誌 v.3 no.3 전복의 增殖에 關한 硏究 卞忠圭
- 釜山水大海硏報 v.11 전복의 種苗生産技術確立과 人工飼育에 關한 硏究 李澤烈;卞忠圭;陳平;洪性潤
- 전복양식 韓碩重
- venus v.11 no.4 朝鮮近海に於けるアワビの分布 內田惠太郞;山本孝治
- 東北水硏報 v.35 エゾアワビの酸素消費量と體重および溫度どの關係 浮永久;菊地省吾
- 北水試月報 v.31 no.5 エソアワビの周年採卵方法にっぃて 西川信良;小原昭雄;尹藤義三
- 水産增殖 v.35 no.3 エゾアワビ,浮遊幼生および附着初期稚貝の飼育適水溫上限につぃて 尹勝史郞;小早川淳;谷雄策
- 佐夏栽培漁業硏究報告 v.1 アカウニ稚ウニ期の飼料として有效附着硅藻探索 - 1. 付着硅藻の分離ぉよび保存 尹東義信;中美義信
- 複岡縣水試硏業報 アワビ種苗量産技術開發試驗 III 二島賢二;內場燈夫
- 西海水硏報告 v.63 高溫條件におけるエゾアワビ,クロアワビ,交雜アワビの成長と生殘 井上淸和;魂頭;浮永久;菊地省吾
- 水産增殖 v.19 no.1 茨城縣におけるアワビの早期採卵(春季採卵)にっぃて 眞岡東雄;兒玉正碩