Photoemission and Excitation Spectroscopy of cis-Difluoro(1,4,8,11-Tetraazacyclotetradecane) Chromium (III) Perchlorate

  • 발행 : 2000.03.01


The photoemission and excitation spectra of cis-[Cr(cyclam)F$_2$]ClO$_4$ (cyclam = 1,4,8,11-tetraazacy-clotetradecane) taken at 77 K are reported. The 298 K mid- and far-infrared spectra are also measured. The vibrational intervals of the electronic ground state are extracted from the far-infrared and emission spectra. The ten electronic bands due to spin-allowed and spin-forbidden transitions are assigned. The zero-phonon line In the excitation spectrum splits into two components by 169 cm$^{1}$, and the large $^2$E$_{g}$ splitting can be reproduced by the ligand field theory. According to the ligand field analysis, we can confirm that nitrogen atoms of the cyclam ligand have a strong c-donor character, and fluoride ligand also has strong $\sigma$- and $\pi$-donor properties toward chromium(III) ion.n.



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