광주지역 초등학교의 급식실태 및 식단 평가

A Survey and Menu Analysis of Elementary School Lunch Programs in Kwangju

  • 박복희 (목포대학교 식품영양학과) ;
  • 정경일 (목포대학교 식품영양학과)
  • 발행 : 2000.06.01


This study investigated the nutrient contents, nutrient density. and food group intake patterns of elementary school lunch programs in Kesngju. Four hundred students from four elementary schools participated in this study. Menus served in 60 schools on a weekly basis during each season were analyzed. Parents regarded hygiene as the most important factor in their children's diet. but they showed little concern for the necessity of nutrition education in the school curriculum. Parents considered that the most significant benefit of their children eating school lunches was to reduce unbalanced diets. On the other hand. children considered to be able to be on intimate terms with their friends as the greatest benefit of the school lunch program. The contents and nutrient densities of the meals provided were higher than those calculated from the Korean RDA. However, the content and nutrient density of iron were lower than those calculated from the RDA for 10 to 12 year old girls. The content of sodium was very high. Therefore the nutritionists should consider the Iron and cut down the amount of sodium. The 91.7% of 1,200 meals served contained more than four food groups and the school lunch program provided a sufficient variety of foods. In conclusion. the quality of nutrition in meals served by school lunch programs was considered satisfactory overall.
