Phylogenetic Analysis of the Genus Dendronephthya (Nephtheidae, Alcyonacea) Based on Internal Transcribed Spacer Sequences of Nuclear rDNA

  • Lee, Young-Ja (Department of Biological Science, College of Natural Sciences, Ewha Womans University) ;
  • Song, Jun-Im (Department of Biological Science, College of Natural Sciences, Ewha Womans University)
  • Published : 2000.12.01


Species boundaries among the Alcyonacean soft coral, the genus Dendronephthya, are often obscured by inter- and intraspecific morphological variations. In the present study, we attempted to infer the genetic relationships of eight dendronephthians based on their molecular characters, the internal transcribed spacer (ITS) regions of ribosomal DNA, and then compared this result together with the random amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD) data from our previous investigation. Dendronephthya. putteri and D. suensoni formed a divaricate form - VI grade specific clade, whereas D. castanea, D. gigantea, D. aurea and D. spinifera, formed a umbellate and glomerate form - IV and III grade specific clade. Therefore, we confirmed that the main characters the growth form and the anthocodial grade and formula, are important in identification of the species in dendronephthians despite some problems. Also, the relationships of the growth form are clarified as the glomerate form is much closer to the umbellate form than to the divaricate form based on two sets of independent molecular data. However, we cannot determine the molecular markers which limit the species boundaries among this genus with ITS sequences.



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