Genetic Differentiation among the Mitochondrial ND2 Gene and $tRNA^{Trp}$ Gene Sequences of Genus Rana (Anura) in Korea

  • Lee, Hyuk (Department of Biology, College of Sciences, Inha University) ;
  • Yang, Suh-Yung (Department of Biology, College of Sciences, Inha University) ;
  • Lee, Hei-Yung (Department of Biology, College of Sciences, Inha University)
  • 발행 : 2000.03.01


The genetic variations among six species of Rana from Korea (R. nigro-maculata, R. piancyi, R. dybowskii, R. sp, R. rugosa type A, B and R. amurensis) were investigated using 499 bases of mitochondrial DNA sequences for ND2 (NADH dehydrogenase subunit 2) gene and $tRNA^{Trp}$ gene. Partial sequences of ND2 gene (427 bp) and full sequences of $tRNA^{Trp}$ gene (73 bp) were identified. The level of sequence divergences ranged from 0.2 to 5.2% within species and 4.9-28.0% among 6 species of the genus Rana. The $tRNA^{Trp}$ gene of the genus Rana was composed of 77 nucleotides which showed a two dimensional "cloverleaf" structure. The secondary structure of $tRNA^{Trp}$ was not found compensatory changes which could potentially confound phylogenetic inference. In the neighborjoining tree, brown frogs were clustered first with the level of sequence divergence of 13.20% between R. amurensis and R. dybowskii, and 9% between R. dybowskii and R. sp. supported by 99% bootstrap iterations, respectively. R. nigromaculata and R. plancyi were clustered into another group with 5.1% divergence supported by 100% bootstrap iteration. R. rugosa A 8nd B types were grouped by 4.9% divergence and clustered into the last group with other two groups with 100% bootstrap iterations.



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