한국어 억양의 트리 기반 모델링

  • Published : 2000.02.01




  1. 한국음향학회 학술발표회 논문집 v.16 no.2 연속된 발화에서 운율구 내 high tone의 위치 김선미;성굉모
  2. 석사학위논문 표준한국어 악센트의 실험음성학적 연구 성철재
  3. 박사학위논문 한국어 리듬의 실험음성학적 연구 -시간 구조와 관련하여- 성철재
  4. 한국음향학회지 v.17 no.6 운율구 추출 및 음소 지속 시간의 트리기반 모델링 이상호;오영환
  5. 한국음향학회지 v.15 no.3 한국어 문서 음성 변환 시스템을 위한 문서 분석기 이상호;오영환;서정연
  6. 한국음향학회 학술발표회 논문집 v.17 no.1 한국어 성조 이벤트와 음향적 길이 이숙향
  7. 한국어의 표준발음 이현복
  8. Proceedings of ICASSP Synthesis by rule of English intonation patterns M. Anderson;J. Pierrehumbert;M. Liberman
  9. K-ToBI (Korean ToBI) Labeling Comventions M. Beckman;S.A. Jun
  10. Proceedings of ICSLP Genetating F。 contours from ToBI labels using linear regression A.W. Black;A.J. Hunt
  11. Machine Learning v.24 Bagging Predictors L. Breiman
  12. Out-of-Bag Estimation L. Breiman
  13. The Annals of Statistics v.26 no.3 Arcing Classifiers L. Breiman
  14. Wadsworth Statistics/Probability Series Classification and Regression Trees L. Breiman;J.H. Friedman;R.A. Olshen;C.J. Stone
  15. Born Again Trees L. Breiman;N. Shang
  16. IEEE Trans. on SAP no.2 On 450-600 b/s Natural Sounding Speech coding Y.M. Cheng;D.O'Shaughnessy
  17. IEEE Trans. on PAMI v.13 no.4 Optimal partitioning for classification and regression trees P.A. Chou
  18. Proceedings of ICASSP Realization of linguistic information in the voice fundmental frequency contour of the spoken Japanese H. Fujisaki;H. Kawai
  19. Speech Communication v.18 no.3 Training intonational phrasing rules automatically for English and Spanish text-to-speech J. Hirschberg;P. Prieto
  20. Proceedings of ICSP An analysis of some prosodic aspects of Korean utterances using K-ToBI labelling system J.J. Kim;S.H. Lee;H.J. Ko;Y.J. Lee;S.H. Kim;J.C. Lee
  21. Proceedings of ICSLP A computational algorithm for FO contour generation in Korean developed with prosodically labeled databases using K-ToBI system Y.J. Lee;S.H. Lee;J.J. Kim;H.J. Ko;Y.I. Kim;S.H. Kim;J.C. Lee
  22. IEEE Trans. on ASSP v.34 no.5 Systhesis of natural sounding pitch contours in solated utterances using hidden Markov models A. Ljoije;F. Fallside
  23. Proceedings of EUROSPEECH Text-to-Speech Oriented Automatic Learning of Italian Prosody F. Manna;S. Quazza
  24. Speech Coding And Synthesis Sinusoedal coding R.J. McAulay;T.F. Quatieri;W.B. Kleijn(ed.);K.K. Paliwal(ed.)
  25. J. Acoust. Soc. Am. v.70 no.4 Synthesizing intonation J. Pierrehumbert
  26. Proceedings of ICSLP ToBI;A Standard for Labeling English Prosody K. Silverman;M. Beckman;J. Pitrelli;M. Ostendorf;C. Wightman;P. Price;J. Pierrehumbert;J. Hirschberg
  27. Speech Communication v.15 The rise/fall/connection model of intonation P. Taylor
  28. Proceedings of ICSLP The Tilt Intonation Model P. Taylor
  29. Talking Machines;Theories, Models, Designs F。generation with a database of natural F。 patterns and with a neural network C. Traber;G. Bailly(ed.);C. Benoit(ed.);T.R. Sawallis(ed.)
  30. Computer Speech and Languege v.6 Automatic classification of intonational phrase boundaries M.Q. Wang;J. Hischberg