국내 컨벤션산업의 육성전략에 관한 연구

A Study on the Promotion for Convention Industry in Korea

  • 신현대 (호서전산전문대학 정보비서과)
  • 발행 : 2000.12.01


세계각국은 컨벤션산업을 21세기 성장을 주도하는 전략산업으로 집중 육성하고 있다. 그러나 우리 나라의 컨벤션 산업은 대형 컨벤션센터의 부재, 국제회의 전문인력의 부족, 국제회의 관련 업의 수도권집중, 항공노선의 부족, 관련업계와의 공조체제 부족, 국제회의정보 부족 등 많은 현안 문제가 있을 뿐 아니라 국제회의 전용시설이 전혀 없는 게 현실이다. 따라서 국가의 이미지 제고, 국제 교역 활성화, 지역개발촉진, 고용기회확대, 세수증대라는 광범위한 파급효과를 가져오는 컨벤션 산업의 육성을 위하여 국내 컨벤션 산업의 실태를 분석하고 그 문제점을 파악하여 개선방안을 제시하는데 목적을 둔다.

Many Countries in the world are struggling to foster the industry of international convention while attracting various international convention on the politics, economy society, culture, religion and sports. The needs of international conventiones are increasing now becourse of the expansion of international visitors exchanges and it affect on the promotion of national economy development of tour industry internal and overseas public relation of the countries. The important point in this situation is to make a consensus between public organization in eluding goverment related civil industry and academic society and set up and process the long term and short-term strategy basis on the consensus. First related facilities should be enlarged and inproved and maketing activities to hold the conventions that are propec to their facilities should be fostered. Second it is imporment to try to hold the international convention through in troducing our related abilities and facilies if the world and through Positive public realations and marketing activities in the world. Third to perform the inducde international conventions successfully the gualities of related personnel should be improved and the experts such as conventions Planner and simultaneous interprefec should be nurtured. Fourth related enterpries should be supported step by step by goverment level to foster their activifies on holding and operating the international conventions. Fifth the tourism effect can b promoted by harmonizing the tourism and international convention through building large scale convention centers in the cities. Therefore to develop the international conventions industry more positively and effectively publicity work and activity to hold of the goverment posifive and creative effort of related enterprise and people's active participation are all needed.
