Investigative Magnetic Resonance Imaging
- 제4권1호
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- Pages.34-41
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- 2000
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- 2384-1095(pISSN)
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- 2384-1109(eISSN)
두개강내 종양의 확산강조자기공명영상: 임상적 유용성
Diffusion-Weighted MR Imaging of the Brain Tumors: The Clinical Usefulness
목적: 두개강내 종양의 감별진단에 있어서 확산강조자기공명영상(DWi: diffusion weighted MR imaging)의 임상적 유용성을 알아 보고자 하였다. 대상 및 방법: 19예의 두개강내 종양(전이암 10예, 고등급 교종 4예, 저등급 성상세포종 4예, 핍지교종 1예)을 대상으로 1.5T 장치를 이용하여 통상적인 자기공명영상과 EPI기법을 사용한 DWI(TR/TE=6500/107, b value 1000)를 얻었다. DWI에서 종%
Purpose: To evaluate the clinical usefulness of diffusion weighted MR imaging(DWI) in the differential diagnosis of brain tumors. Materials and methods: DWI and conventional MR images of nineteen patients with brain tumors(10 metastatic tumors, 4 high grade gliomas, 4 low grade astrocytomas, one oligodendroglioma)were obtained on 1.5T unit. DWI was obtained using single shot spin echo planar imaging with b-value near 1000. We analyzed the signal intensities of lesions including solid portion, necrotic or cystic portion and peritumoral edema of brain tumors (classified five grades comparison with the signal intensities of brain parenchyma and CSF)and calculate the SIR(signal intensity ratio)of lesions to the contralateral normal brain parenchyma. We analyzed statistically the signal intensities and SIR of tumors using independence T test. Results: In solid portions of tumors, all the metastatic tumors and high grade gliomas showed high signal intensities, but low grade astrocytomas and oligodendroglioma showed iso or slight high signal intensities to the normal brain parenchyma. The SIR of solid portion has positive correlation with malignant pot ential(metastatic tumors 1.52, high grade gliomas 1.38, low grade astrocytomas 1.16, oligodendroglioma 1.31)(p < 0.05). In peritumoral edema where seen in 14 tumors, seven of 10 metastatic tumors and two of 4 high grade gliomas showed iso signal intensities, whereas edemas in other 5 brain tumors showed hyperintense to the normal brain parenchyma. The SIRs of peritumoral edemas in metastatic tumors (1.14) was lower than high grade gliomas(1.31),but statistically insignificant. The SIR of cystic or necrotic portion of brain tumors was 0.63. In non enhancing solid portions, three of six cases showed hyperintense to the adjacent peritumoral edema. Conclusion: On DWI, the signal intensities of solid portion has positive correlation with malignant potential, and perilesional edema of brain tumors appear various signal intensities owing to "T2 shine through effect" and the extensiveness of vasogenic edema. Another merit using DWI on the evaluation of brain tumors is to improved better delineation of tumor margins from the adjacent edemas, especially at the non enhancing solid portion of the tumors.