남자 중.고등학생의 유행선도력과 정보원 활용 및 의류구매행동과의 관계연구(제2보)

A Study on Fashion leadership, use of fashion information and apparel shopping behavior of middle-and high-school male students (Part II)

  • 전경숙 (한성대학교 의생활학부)
  • 발행 : 2000.11.01


Fashion leadership of middle- and high-school male student was measured. The subjects were divided into five subgroups including, fashion dual leaders(13.3%), innovators(10.3%), opinion leaders(7.6%), followers(52.3%), and laggards(16.3%), according to their innovativeness and opinion leadership. The findings were as follows : fashion dual leaders were very confident and fashion-conscious while other subgroups were very price-conscious and quality-aware. Among the fashion information sources included in the study' my own experience and opinion' was the most Important to all 5 subgroups. Generally the higher the fashion leadership was, the more actively utilized fashion information sources. The fashion magazine and commercials as information sources was not as important to the subjects as it was to college women. Apparel shopping behavior was also significantly different among subgroups. As a whole, the general characteristics, such as. the use of fashion information and the apparel shopping behavior, of opinion leaders and innovators were similar, but those of followers and laggards were very dissimilar.
