Triangular Mesh Generation Algorithm for Generating Nodes and Triangular Elements Concurrently

절점과 요소의 동시 생성을 위한 삼각 요소 알고리즘

  • Published : 2000.09.01


For last 20 years, a number of researches and developments on finite element mesh generation has been carried out and most of them are comported of node generation part and node generation part. However these algorithms are inefficient in mesh veneration process and difficult to control the shape of elements when comparing with the generation of nodes and elements concurrently. In this study, therefore, an algorithm it proposed to generate nodes and elements concurrently for various two-dimensional objects having multiple holes. Inner node generation is performed by choosing three consecutive boundary nodes and comparing them with other close boundary nodes. As soon as inner nodes are determined, element generation is conducted based on the comparison of the distances among the generated inner nodes, three consecutive boundary nodes and other close boundary nodes. the generated element nodes become new boundary nodes for further repeated process. The processes are repeated through out each region until three consecutive boundary nodes finally form a tirangular element.



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