해양경찰의 과제와 발전

Issues and Vision of Korea Maritime Police

  • Sang-Jib Lee (Maritime Science, Korea Maritime University)
  • 발행 : 2000.07.01


The argument about enlarging or limiting the function of the Korea Maritime Police. Agency (KMPA) has been and will be repeated. In this paper, the author highlights the internal and external issues facing KMPA, stemming partly from deficiencies of its struggles for advancement of the organization and partly from shortcomings of political support far it. And he urges KMPA to change the organizational culture for maintaining its identity and characteristics as a lead maritime agency by practising a scientific management system for maximizing cost-effectiveness of its administrative resources. In addition, he also suggests that KMPA adopt the Total Quality Management System for quality improvements in services and greater efficiency in its organizational structure to meet the future competition in the changing political and legal environment. he concludes by providing a 6-point vision statement for KMPA from the standpoint of favoring enlarging the function of KMPA.



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