간선도로 연동화 신호최적화 모형 KS-SIGNAL의 수행속도 향상을 위한 연구

A Study on Improvement of Run-Time in KS-SIGNAL, Traffic Signal Optimization Model for Coordinated Arterials

  • 발행 : 2000.08.01


본 논문에서는 기개발된 간선도로 연동화 신호최적화 모형인 KS-SIGNAL의 최적화 수행속도를 향상시키기 위한 새로운 모형식을 개발하였다. 이를 위하여 기존 모형식의 수정, MILP 최적화 루틴의 탑재, 좌회전 현시순서와 관련한 제약식의 추가 등 3단계에 걸친 모형 개선 작업이 이루어졌으며, 그 결과 기존 모형식과 비교 99%이상의 최적화 수행시간 단축 효과를 창출하였다. 개발된 KS-SIGNAL 모형식은 여러 다양한 경우에 대해 모의실험을 실시한 결과 교통량보다는 교차로간 거리에 더욱 민감하게 반응함으로써 지체최소화모형 (TRANSYT-7F)보다는 통과폭최대화모형(PASSER-II)에 더 가까운 신호시간계획을 산출하였다. 더불어 본 모형식이 좌회전 현시순서를 최적화시키지 못하는 TRANSYT-7F 모형식과 통과폭을 최대화하나 통과폭 밖의 직진교통류를 고려하지 못하는 PASSER-II 모형식, 그리고 이들의 단점을 상호보완한 결합모형과 비교하여 더 적은 지체를 유발시키는 보다 더 효율적인 신호시간계획을 창출하는 것으로 분석되었다.

KS-SIGNAL, a traffic signal optimization model for coordinated arterials, is an optimization model using the mixed integer linear Programming that minimizes total delay on arterials by optimizing left-turn Phase sequences. However, the Previous version of KS-SIGNAL had a difficulty in reducing computation speed because the related variables and constraints multiply rapidly in accordance with the increase of intersections. This study is designed to propose a new model, improving optimizing computation speed in KS-SIGMAl, and evaluate it. This Paper Puts forth three kinds of methodological approaches as to achieve the above goals. At the first step to reduce run-time in the proposed model objective function and a few constraints are Partially modified, which replaces variable in related to queue clearance time with constant, by using thru-movements at upstream intersection and the length of red time at downstream intersection. The result shows that the run-time can be reduced up to 70% at this step. The second step to load the library in LINDO for Windows, in order to solve mixed integer linear programming. The result suggests that run-time can be reduced obviously up to 99% of the first step result. The third step is to add constraints in related to left-turn Phase sequences. The proposed methodological approach, not optimizing all kinds of left-turn sequences, is more reasonable than that of previous model , only in the view of reducing run-tim. In conclusion, run-time could be reduced up to 30% compared with the second results. This Proposed model was tested by several optimization scenarios. The results in this study reveals that signal timing plan in KS-SIGNAL is closer to PASSER-II (bandwidth maximizing model) rather than to TRANSYT-7F(delay minimizing model).



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