양산지역 주민의 장류 문화 I. 장의 담금 실태

Fermented Soybean Products Culture for the Residents in Yangsan City I. The Use Patterns of Fermented Soybean Products

  • 발행 : 2000.07.01


This study was carried out to investigate the use patterns of traditional fermented soybean products(Jang) in Yangsan city. Two hundred eighty seven housewives living in Yangsan joined this survey practiced by Yangsan City Agricultural Development Center. 49.0% of these housewives graduated from a highschool, and 77.4% is in 30s or 40s. Most(69.3%) of respondents themselves have made Jang at home and the preparation frequency of Jang became higher with getting older. This survey showed that the preparation frequency of Jang in large family living with parents is higher than in nuclear family. The Jang preparation tendency of housewives living in the independent home was higher than that of apartment. Most of respondents replied the preparation method of Jang has been learned from mother or mother-inlaw. On the other hand, in the case of no making Jang at home, they bring it generally from relatives or buy it at the market. And 59.8% of housewives anted to participate in the education of Jang preparation.
