애버랜드 동물원에서 사육중인 산양의 폐사 원인 분석(1976-1999)

Retrospective Survey on the Mortality of Gorals at overland Zoological Gardens (1976-1999)

  • 발행 : 2000.12.01


The mortalities of the gorals (Nemorhaedus goral raddeanus) that have been raised in Everland Zoological Gardens were retrospectively analyzed based on the clinical charts and autopsy reports from 1976 to 1999. During that Period a total of 17 gorals were died. Infectious factos (35.2%), digestive (23.5%) and respiratory disorders (17.6%) account feta the majority of cause of death. The The mortality of newborn gorals (50%) were significantly higher than that of adult (20%) and juvenile gorals (0%) due to infectious disease. 83.5% of the infectious disease were found in the garals younger than 5 months old. The cause of death of 5 newborn gorals died by infectious disease were as follows: 1aryngeal diphtheria, 2 (40%); actinobacillosis,2 (40%): coccidiosis. 1 (20%). It was considered that proper hygenic epic precautions in goral Pens ir feeding Places together with avoidance of rough feed are needed for the prevention of death of infectious cause at the goral raising in zoo-logical gardens.



  1. Bacteriosis. In:Zoonoses and Communicable Diseases Common to Man and Animals(2nd ed) Acha PN;Szyfres B
  2. Diseases caused by bacteria In:Veterinary Medcine(7th ed) Blood DC;Radostits OM
  3. Artiodactylids. In:Zoo and Wildlife Medcine(2nd ed) Fowler ME
  4. Respiratory system.In:The Merck Veterinary Manual (6th ed) Fraser CM;Mays A
  5. The Alimentary system.In:Pathlogy of Domestic Animals(3rd ed) v.2 Jubb KVF;Kennedy PC;Palmer N
  6. Ruminants.In:Disease of Exotic Animals(1st ed) Wallach JD;Booever WJ
  7. 천연기념물 산양과 사향노루의 분포와 생태연구보고서 이우신;임신재;허위행