개 정액의 융해후 정자의 생존율 향상을 위한 동결 방법

Freezing Methods of Canine Semen to Achieve Good post-Thaw Viability of Sperm

  • 지동범 (전북대학교 수의과대학) ;
  • 김용준 (전북대학교 수의과대학)
  • 발행 : 2000.12.01


These studies were preformed to investigate the freezing conditions to achieve good post-thaw viability of spend and the practical methods of artificial insemination frozen canine semen. Semen were collected from nine male dogs which had been proved to be fertile in the past and the semen were treated for freezing procedure. Post-thaw motility and viability of canine sperm were evaluated to investigate individual tolerance of freezing, difference among freezing extenders, dif-ference among freezing equipments and freezing conditions, difference between fast and slow cooling rate, difference according to different glycerol concentration, effect of seeding on post-thaw viability, difference according to cutting part of straw, difference according to thawing temperatures, and dif-ference according to media added to thawed semen. Thawed semen for insemination were added with equal volnme of canine capacitation medium (CCM) and the volume of semen and the number per insemination were adjusted as 2-3 ml and $20-30 {\times}10^7,$ respectively. The semen were inseminated in vagina using balloon catheter and en17ryos were cellected from 9 to 11 days after the second Al to d determine fertilization.



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