- AnswerTree를 이용한 데이터마이닝 의사결정나무분석 최종후;한상태;강현철;김은석
- Data Mining Techniques for Marketing, Sales, and Customer Support Berry, M.J.A.;Linoff, G.
- Classification and regression trees Breiman, L.;J.H. Friedman;R.A. Olshen;C.J. Stone
- Applied Multivariate Statistical Analysis Johnson, R.A.;Wichern, D.W.
- Applied Statistics v.29 An exploratory technique for investigating large quantities of categorical data Kass, G.
- Self-Organizing Maps Kohonen, T.
- Statistica Sinica v.7 Split selection methods for classification trees Loh, W.;Shih, Y.
- C4.5 Programs for machine learning Quinlan, J.R.
- Neural Networks for Statistical Modeling Smith, M.