A series of experiments was conducted to evaluate the capability of detecting nutrimental deficient stress of N, P and Ca of a tomato plant using several fast and intact type physiological properties measuring devices - a chlorophyll content meter an infra-red thermometer to measure leaf temperature a chlorophyll fluorescence meter a porometer an optical spectrometer a multi-scan radiometer and a canopy analyzer. to detect N deficient stress a chlorophyll content meter a spectrometer and a multi-scan radiometer were useful and their possibility to detect was estimated as about 50%, 100% and 100% respectively. To detect P deficient stress the infra-red thermometer the porometer and the spectrometer proved their usefulness an their possibility to detect was estimated as about 70%, 70% and 70% respectively. To detect Ca deficient stress an thermometer a porometer a spectrometer and a multi-scan radiometer were useful and their possibility to detect was estimated as about 60%, 70%,80% and 100% respectively. The experiments resulted that use of a spectrometer and a multi-scan radiometer in combination with a chlorophyll content meter an infra-red thermometer and a porometer were desirable to distinguish the nutrimental stress tested in the study.