흑연의 종류와 용도

  • 이수재 (한국환경정책·평가연구원)
  • 발행 : 2000.12.01




  1. 성문이화학사전 김병희(편)
  2. 한국의 광물종 김수진
  3. 광물자원매장량 현황 대한광업진흥공사
  4. 광업진흥(5월호) 대한광업진흥공사
  5. 김수진교수송수기념집 에너지 산업과 광물: 광물과 인간생활 이동진
  6. 한국의 광물 상기남;김동학;이동진
  7. 대한지질학회 광화작용: 한국의 지질 오민수
  8. 탄소섬유 정이운
  9. Economic Geology v.77 Precambrian coal or anthraxolite: a source for graphite in high-grade schists and gneisses - a discussion Douthitt, CB
  10. USMB Inf. Circ v.9112 Flake and High Crystalline Graphite Availability - Market Economu Countries: A Minerals Availability Appraisa Fogg, CT;Boyle, Jr., EH
  11. The Industrial Minerals Handy Book(3rd Edition) Harben. PW
  12. A Global Geology Harben, PW;Kuzvart, M
  13. Economic Geology v.75 Origin of graphite in the Duluth Complex Hollister, VF
  14. Industrial Minerals v.7 A Graphite phoenix to rise from the ashes
  15. Contri. Mineral. Petrol v.30 Graphitization of dispersed carbonaceous material in metamorphic rocks Landis. CA
  16. Economic Geolgy v.77 Precambrian coal or anthraxolite a source for graphite in high-grade schists and gneisses- a reply Mancuso, JJ;Seavoy. RE
  17. Bureau of Mines Bulletin 675. US Dept of the Interior Taylor, Jr., HA
  18. Geol. prδzkum 20, Praha On possible geochemical indication of graphite in south Bohemia(in Czech) Tichv, L;Turnovec, I
  19. A Global Geology On possible geochemical indication of graphite in south Bohemia(in Czech) PW Harbeb;M Kuzvart
  20. USGS PRofessional Paper 820 Graphite: United States Mineral Resources Weiss. PL., DA Brobst;WP Pratt(eds)