Performance Evaluation of Vehicle Routing Algorithms in a Stochastic Environment

Stochastic 환경에서 확정적 차량경로결정 해법들의 성능평가

  • 박양병 (경희대학교 기계·산업시스템 공학부 산업공학)
  • Published : 2000.11.01


The stochastic vehicle routing problem (VRP) is a problem of growing importance since it includes a reality that the deterministic VRP does not have. The stochastic VRP arises whenever some elements of the problem are random. Common examples are stochastic service quantities and stochastic travel times. The solution methodologies for the stochastic VRP are very intricate and regarded as computationally intractable. Even heuristics are hard to develope and implement. On possible way of solving it is to apply a solution for the deterministic VRP. This paper presents a performance evaluation of four simple heuristic for the deterministic VRP is a stochastic environment. The heuristics are modified to consider the time window constraints. The computational results show that some of them perform very well in different cases of the stochastic VRP.
