The Future of Paper-Making: New Challenges for Technology

  • 발행 : 2000.12.01


The history of the paper industry has shown a strong technological evolution which has been an essential factor in achieving low cost, high quality paper products and in sustaining the strength of the industry. In the last decades paper machine development has been rapid. This has helped to establish paper as a "low cost" material. In future, the pressure from the competing media will only accelerate the technological efforts to improve cost and functional'||'&'||'not;ity of paper. In addition, in the future, technological advances will be combined with innovation in busi'||'&'||'not;ness concepts. Certain production methods are likely to be developed which will distribute current process stages outside the paper mill. Papermakers can begin to reduce their invest'||'&'||'not;ment risk by subcontracting large-scale base paper production but taking responsibility for the higher value finishing process stages. Finishing will be more closely integrated with the final use. The role of technology supplier to the paper industry will naturally evolve to reflect all these changes. Metso is already actively collaborating downstream in the different paper-related business chains. This collaboration will be crucial for implementation of new business and technology innovations in P'||'&'||'P industry and Metso will certainly benefit from its catalyst role in this transition.
