유토피아와 디스토피아의 건축적 표현에 관한 연구

A Study on the Architectural Expression of the Utopia and Dystopia

  • 이일형 (청운대학교 건축공학과)
  • 발행 : 2000.12.01


If we take account of the Architectural Tradition which aims a construction of better environment, we can see that this tradition has ended historically toward Utopia. It is a continual trend from ancient to contemporary epoch especially in each transitional periods. Utopia is an ideal commonwealth in which inhabitants exist under perfect conditions, ideally perfect places or state of things. But, Dystopia implies skeptical perspective on the future which has emerged as a result of the increasing awareness about crisis concerning negative aspects highlighted by progress of science and technology since Modern era. Dystopia is the opposite of Utopia which was a propaganda used by Modern architecture and has characteristics of Post-Modernity. Utopias plans are complete projects of image, its goal is an improvement according to the eras. Its plans are characterized by rigid geometrical pattern as circle and square, which contain generally center·axis·enclosure·boundary·symmetry. Recent architectural circumstances no longer reflect utopian visions. Dystopias plans have described extreme mechanism, destructive offense, expression of fragmentation and differentiation in contemporary architecture. Therefore, as the Utopian architecture describes characteristics of the era unlike the continuity of its concept, the Dystopian architecture will find its expression differently while maintaining its basic concept and intention.



  1. Violated Perfection Aaron Betsky;정태용(역)
  2. Entopia C.A.Doxiadis;편장원(역)
  3. 전환기의 건축 C.A.Doxiadis;조창한(역)
  4. Genius Loci C.N.Schulz
  5. Roots of Moern Architecture C.N.Schulz;조희철(역)
  6. Ideal City Helen Rosennau;이호정(역)
  7. Utopia Ian Tod
  8. 신체·지각 그리고 건축 K.C.B.loomer;이호진(역)
  9. The Image of the City Kevin Lynch
  10. 건축과 유토피아 Manfredo Tafuri;김원갑(역)
  11. 아나키에서 유토피아로 Robert Nogic
  12. 장소와 정거장-임시 유토피아 Stan Allen
  13. 이상도시론 T.A.Reiner;권준오(역)
  14. Space and Place Yi-Fu Tuan
  15. 홍익대 석론 현대건축에 나타난 디스토피아적 표현특성에 관한 연구 김민경
  16. 서울대 석론 현대건축의 디스토피아 표현에 관한 연구 변호세
  17. 홍익대 박론 현대건축의 구성체계와 본질에 관한 연구 이일형
  18. 왜 유토피아인가 임철규
  19. SITE no.A+U 臨時增刊號
  20. Lebbeus Woods no.A+U 臨時增刊號