엘리자베스 왕조시대 극장의 공간구성 및 특성에 관한 연구

A Study on the Space composition and character of the Elizabethan Theater

  • 임종엽 (인하대학교 공과대학 건축공학과) ;
  • 이철재 (세경대학 건축디자인학과)
  • 발행 : 2000.12.01


This study examines the space composition and character of Elizabethan Theater base on the theory of drama and Shakespeares play in the english traditional theater. Contemporary multi purpose theater and public space is considered as a symbolic representation of the Elizabethan theaters organization and renaissance culture. In the historical theory, the Shakespeares theater was a common tool and best systeme in reflecting peoples lives. This role of theater as mass culture and new style of theater permanent design has get its value with the population increase and the urban centralization of the city and urban common sense. This study attempts to reevaluate the need of public space in modern society through a critical review of theater and its use as a open space design. Content analysis was used to discuss the topics of this study including the historical background of the theater, the relationship between Greek culture and modern design, and the role of scenery, auditorium and its impact on urban environment. The scope of the study is limited to the comparison of Elizabethan theater and space use program from the space critic and sociologist. Today the concept of theatrical space is altered with the advent of non-objects and multi media space. This study provides insights for the future implications of theatrical space in developing public space for its a new definition as cultural representation.



  1. Society of Spectacle Guy Debord;이경숙(역)
  2. The Stage in action Samuel Selden;김진식(역)
  3. L'Univers du Theature (puf) 질지라르;윤학노(역)
  4. 극장건축의 공간유형과 도시성격의 상관성에 관한 연구 no.16 임종엽
  5. A Histoty of Knowledge Charles Van Doren;홍미경(역)
  6. An Introduction to Drama G.B. Tennyson;이태주(역)
  7. 셰익스피어 비극의 연구 문상득
  8. 劇場設計 no.33 建築學大系
  9. Lo Spazio Scenico Allardyce Nicoll
  10. 문학과 사상사 연극개론 이근삼
  11. Anatomy of Drama Martin Eschline;원재길(역)
  12. N2 Theo Crosby;Zodiac
  13. A Concise of the Theater Phyllis Hartnoll;심우성(역)
  14. A way of seeing Theater M.S. 베링거;이재명(역)
  15. 건축인 POAR no.47 임종엽
  16. The Teatrical Event: A Vocaburlary, A Perspective David Cole;허동성(역)