휴대용 미사일의 성능평가를 위한 시각화모델의 개발

Development of Graphical User Interface for MANPAD Missile Performance Evaluation

  • 황흥석 (동의대학교 산업공학과)
  • 발행 : 2000.12.01


This research investigates a kill probability model for the performance evaluation of guided missile system, and also develops graphical user interface for the input and output of the model based on the visual object-oriented programming application. The major simulation events used in this research are missile guidance homing point, burst points, and kill mechanism(direct kill, blast kill and fragment kill). For the user interface, we also design and implement the visualization system that can show the graphic style of the kill probability attained by the model. The results of sample run are shown, but these could be improved to be better with visual simulation which can visulaize all the simulation process of the model.
