수호천사 프로그램의 왕따 감소 효과에 관한 연구 -중학교 1학년 남학생 중심-

A Study on Wangtta and the effects of the Gurardian Angle Program among Adolescent Males.

  • 발행 : 2000.08.01


This study is designed to identify the current condition of male students ostracized as the black ship (Wangtta in Korean) in middle schools and the effects of the Guardian Angle program on the decrease in Wangtta. 428 frist graders of two junior high schools were devided into two groups, a test group (n=195) and a control group (n=233). SPSS/PC+ program was used for analysis of the data, including frequency analysis, ANOVA and x(sup)2-test. The outcome of research can be summed up as the following 74.7% of the subjects thinks that there is Wangtta going on in there classes. Wangtta often comes to pass during the recesses (74.2%) and lunch times (51.6%). Those who are easily exposed to Wangtta are most likely to be both snobbish and pedantic. Those who lead Wangtta turn out to be good at fighting (56.4%) and dominant in the hegemony of the class depending on the way of ignoring or not playing with the victims(69.3%) In the case of bearing witness to Wangtta. 36.9% of the subjects try to overlook the case. Now let me take a look at the effect of the guardian angle program on the decrease in Wangtta. The program has a significant effect on the decrease (p<0.05) in the number and the phenomena of Wangtta perceived by students in both advance and post tests. The program makes a significant difference in the aspects of students’ behavior in relation to Wangtta in a desirable way (p<.01) Though the sociality index of the victims doesn’t show any significant difference statistically, it exerts a generally positive effect.



  1. 청소년 상담문제 연구보고서 29:따돌리는 아이들, 따돌림 당하는 아이들 청소년의 집단 따돌림의 원인과 지도방안 구본용
  2. 청소년 상담문제 연구보고서 29:따돌리는 아이들, 따돌림 당하는 아이들 청소년 친구 따돌림의 실태조사 김용태
  3. 교육연구방법 김병성
  4. 교육연구 및 통계방법 김정환
  5. 학생의 왕따(집단 따돌림 및 괴롭힘)현상에 관한 연구 박경숙
  6. 교육연구 방법론 박도순
  7. 청년심리학 장휘숙
  8. 전국에 '왕따' 5,400명 조선일보
  9. 따돌림 피해 여중·초등생 많아 조선일보
  10. 청소년활동지도 프로그램집 한국청소년단체 협의회
  11. いじめっ子のとその分析と克服法 尾木直樹
  12. Who shall Survive Moreno, J.L.
  13. Social Development of Exceptional Children Strain, P. S.