다중 입출력 시스템을 위한 음의 입력다듬기 기법의 개발

Development of negative Input Shaping Technique for MIMO System

  • 발행 : 2000.12.01


In this paper, we propose a method to apply the Input Shaping Technique (IST) to multi-input multi-output (MIMO) systems. In MIMO systems, there is a high possibility of multi-mode residual vibration. The IST filter designed for this multi mode may need a longer time to suppress the residual vibration. Previous works prove that we can shorten the time lag by using negative sequence. This negative sequence, however, causes another problem - it requires excessive control input. In this paper, we provide a remedy to reduce the size of control input by limiting the reference input by limiting the reference input and its derivative. The result of simulations and experiments on a 2 link flexible arm confirmed the effectiveness of the proposed method.



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