새로운 건성 및 습성 침착 채취기의 개발

Development of the Novel Dry and Wet Deposition Collector

  • 이병규 (울산대학교 토목환경공학부) ;
  • 이채복 (울산대학교 토목환경공학부)
  • 발행 : 2000.06.01


A novel dry and wet deposition collector, which can overcome the several problems such as water evaporation cartridge cracks and high costs founded in the previous collector systems, has been constructed. ENVI-18 SPE adsorption cartridge has been used to measure atmospheric deposition of polycylic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs). A surrogate surface, consisted of water and methanol, was filled in the dry deposition funnel to simulate dry deposition onto water surface. A water supply system in order to compensat evaporation of the surrogate surface was used and it was consisted of a piston pump, a tubing pump, a overflow tube and a chamber system. A novel water vaporizing system to supply water onto the wet SPE cartridge system with a constant flow rate was developed. The novel water vaporizing system, consisted of a vacuum pump, a water supply reserviour and tube and a mini space heater, could prevent the PAHs adsorption cartridge cracks occurred in the previous collector and effectively adsorb PAHs. The novel dry and wet deposition collector showed a good adsorption, desorption, and recovery rates of PAHs. By reducing the number of pumps used and employing polypyopylene (PP) instead of teflon as a material of collection funnel, the total construction costs were much reduced as compared with the previous dry and wet deposition collectors.



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  6. Marine Poll. Bull. v.30 Atmospheric input of selected polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons and polychlorinated biphenyls to Southern Chesapeake Bay Dickhut, R.M.;K.E. Gustafson
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  8. Atmospheric Environment v.31 Atmospheric deposition of PAHs and toxics onto Massachusetts Bay-Ⅰ. Metals Golomb, D.S.;D. Ryan;J. Underhill;T. Wade;S. Zemba
  9. Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons v.31 no.9 Atmospheric deposition of PAHs and toxics onto Massachusetts Bay-Ⅱ Golomb, D.S.;D. Ryan;J. Underhill;T. Wade;S. Zemba
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  11. AWMA'S 90th Annual Meeting & Exhibition Atmospheric Deposition of PAHs at Massachusetts Bay Measured with a Novel Wet/Dry Collector Golomb, D.S.;G.F. Fisher;E.F. Barry;P. Varanusupakul
  12. Personal Communication Collection and analysis of wet and dry deposition of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons quality assurance/quantity control protocol Golomb, D.S.;G.F. Fisher;E.F. Barry;P. Varanusupakul
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