Emotional Influence and it's Implications of Childhood Housing Environment

유년기 주거환경의 정서적 영향과 그 의미에 관한 연구

  • 정준현 (대구대학교 주거환경학과)
  • Published : 2000.11.01


The study analyzed emotional influence and its implications of childhood housing environment with the environmental autobiography method. 222 essays of students in T University based on childhood memory are collected in identifying physical environment, emotional meaning and the value of places to them. Findings indicate that childhood housing environment is recognized as a influencing factor for making individual personality and the view of the world. The study also found that emotional recognition for the housing environment is given much weight in the indoor places, and to be the most affirmative adaptation attitude. Emotional influence of housing environment is significantly different depending on a residential area and house type, and each places of housing environment is charged in the variety emotional characters.



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  8. 심리학 개론 홍대식(역)
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