- Tributyltin: case study of an environmental contaminant The tributyltin debate: ocean transportation versus seafood harvesting de Mora,S.J.;de Mora,S.J.(ed.)
- Appl. Organomet. Chem. v.12 Effect of tin(IV) chloride and of organotin compounds on aquatic microorganisms Nudelman,M.A.;C.Carro;N.S.Nudelman
- Appl. Organomet. Chem. v.12 Toxicity and accumulation of tributyltin chloride on tilapia Hongxia,L.;H.Guolan;D.Shugui
- Environ. Sci. Technol. v.32 no.2 Butyltin contamination in marine mammals from north pacific and asian coastal waters Tanabe,S.;M.Prudente;T.Mizuno;J.Hasegawa;H.Iwata;N.Miyazaki
- Environ. Sci. Technol. v.20 Degradation of tributyltin in San Diego Bay, California Seligman,P.F.;A.O.Valkirs;R.F.Lee
- Tributyltin: case study of an environmental contaminant The distribution and fate of tributyltin in the marine environment Batley,G
- Environ. Sci. Technol. v.23 Importance of microalgae in biodegradation of tributyltin in estuarine waters Lee,R.F.;A.O.Valkirs;P.F.Seligman
- Bull. Environ. Contam. Toxicol. v.48 Biosorption and degradation of butyltin compounds by the marine diatom Skeletonema costatum and the associated bacterial community at low temperature Reader,S.;E.Pelletier
- Proc. Oceans '86 Conference v.4 In situadsorption and desorption of butyltin compounds from Pearl Harbor, Hawaii sediment Stang,P.M.;P.F.Seligman
- Appl. Organomet. Chem. v.7 A study of the partitioning and sorptive behavior of butyltins in the aquatic environment Downson,P.H.;J.M.Budd;J.N.Lester
- Proc. KOSMEE Spring Meeting Marine ecotoxicological bioassay of organotins in sea urchin cells Aminin,D.;I.Agafonova;W.J.Shim;J.R.Oh;S.H.Kahng;S.H.Lee
- Proc. Oceans '86 Conference v.4 Growth abnormalities in mussels and oysters from areas with high levels of tributyltin in San Diego Bay Stephenson,M.D.;D.R.Smith;J.Geotzl;G.Idhikawa;M.Martin
- Mar. Environ. Res. v.32 A field assay approach to determining tributyltin toxicity to oysters in California Stephenson,M.D.
- Mar. Poll. Bull. v.18 no.6 Sublethal effects of bis (tri-n-butyltin) oxide on Crassostera gigas spat Lawler,I.A.;J.C.Aldrech
- J. Mar. Biol. Ass. U.K. v.66 The decline of the gastropod Nucella laqpillus around south-west England: evidence for the effect of tributylyin from antifouling paints Bryan,G.W.;P.E.Gibbs;L.G.Hummerstone;G.R.Burt
- J. Mar. Biol. Ass. U.K. v.74 Imposex and organotin compounds in Thais clavigera and T. bronni in Japan Horiguchi,T.;H.Shiraishi;M.Shimizu;S.Yamazaki;M.Morita
- Environ. Sci. and Tech. v.26 The marine biocide tributyltin: assessing and managing the environmental risk Huggett,R.J.;M.A.Unger;P.E.Seligman;O.A.Valkir
- MS thesis, Seoul National University Contamination and bioaccumulation of tributyltin compounds in the Chinhae Bay System Shim,W.J.
- 석사학위논문, 이화여자대학교 옥포만내 유기주석화합물의 분포와 해양 무척추동물 중의 생물농축 홍상희
- 석사학위논문, 부경대학교 광양만내 유기주석화합물의 해수, 퇴적물, 생물중 농도 및 분포 상관관계 김규용
- J. Korean Fish. Soc. v.30 no.6 Butyltin compounds concentrations in Masan Bay Choi,H.G.;P.J.Kim;W.C.Lee
- 한국해양환경공학회 1998년도 춘계학술대회 논문집 우리나라의 TBT오염현황과 대책 이수형
- 제주도 환경보전대책-수질오염방지 장기계획 중심으로 환경처
- J. Mar. Biol. Ass. U.K. v.68 Sex change in the female Dog-Whelk, Nucella lapillus, induced by tributyltin from antifouling paint Gibbs,P.E.;P.L.Pascoe;G.R.Burt
- Environ. Sci. Toxicol. Chem. v.11 Occurrence and fate of tributyl- and triphenyltin compounds in western Mediterranean coastal enclosures Tolosa,I;L.Merlini;N. de Bertrand;J.M.Bayona;J.Albaiges
- Proc. Oceans '86 Conference v.4 Automated analysis of organotin compounds: a method for monitoring butyltin in the marine environment Clavell,C.;P.F.Seligman;P.M.Stang
- Sci. Total. Environ. v.68 The variation of tributyltin levels with time in selected estuaries prior to the introduction of regulations governing the use of tributyltin-based antifoluling paints Ebdon,L.;K.Even;S.Hill
- Water, Air and Soil Pollution v.39 Chronic toxicity of tributyltin to Chesapeake Bay biota Hall,L.W.;S.J.Bushong;M.C.Ziegenfuss;W.E.Johnson;R.L.Herman;D.A.Wright
- Occurrence of butyltin compounds in Seven Sound, Ontario, National Water Research Institute Report 92-119 Wong,P.T.S.;Y.K.Chau
- Environ. Technol. Lett. v.10 Tributyltin and total tin in marine sediments: profiles and apparent rate of TBT degradation de Mora,S.J.;N.G.King;M.C.Miller
- Metal Speciation Separation and Recovery Speciation of tin in sediments of Arcachon Bay (France) Astruc,M.;R.Lavigne;R.Pinel;F.Leguille;V.Desauziers;P.Quevauviller;O.F.X.Donald;Patterson,J.W.(ed.);R.Passino(ed.)
- Mar. Poll. Bull. v.17 no.7 Measurement of butyltin compounds in San Diego Bay Valkirs,A.O.;P.F.Seligman;P.M.Stang;V.Homer
- Environ. Health Perspect v.90 Biogeochemical processes governing exposure and uptake of organic pollutant compounds in aquatic organisms Farrington,J.W.
- Environ. Toxicol. Chem. v.10 Tachnical basis for establishing sediment quality criteria for nonionic organic chemicals using equilibrium partitioning Di Toro,D.M.;C.S.Zarba;D.J.Hensen;W.J.Berry;R.C.Swartz;C.C.Cowan;S.P.Pavlou;H.E.Allen;N.A.Thomas;P.R.Paquin
- Appl. Organomet. Chem. v.11 Imposex in sea snails, caused by organotin (tributyltin and triphenyltin) pollution in Japan Horiguchi,T.;H.Shiraishi;M.Shimizu;M.Morita
- Environ. Sci. Technol. v.31 Butyltin residues in deep-sea organisms collected from Suruga Bay, Japan Takahashi,S.;S.Tanabe;T.Kubodera
- Organotin compounds in the aquatic environment: scientific criteria for assessing their effects on environmental quality Thompson,J.A.;M.C.Sheffer;R.C.Pierce;Y.K.Chau;J.J.Cooney;W.P.Cullen;R.J.Maguire
- J. Mar. Biol. Ass. U.K. v.71 The american oyster drill, urosalpinx cinerea(gastropoda): evidence of decline in an imposex affected population (R. blackwater, essex) Gibbs,P.E.;B.E.Spencer;P.L.Pascoe
- Mar. Environ. Res. v.38 A decade-long perspective on a bioinducator of pollution: imposex in Ilynassa obsoleta on Cape Henlopen, Delaware Bay Curtis,L.A.
- J. Mar. Biol. Ass. U.K. v.67 The use of the dog-whelk, Nucella lapillus, as an indicator of tributyltim (TBT) contamination Gibbs,P.E.;G.W.Bryan;P.L.Pascoe;G.R.Burt
- J. Mar. Biol. Ass. U.K. v.68 Sex change in the female Dog-Whelk, Nucella lapillus, induced by tributyltin from antifouling paint Gibbs,P.E.;P.L.Pascoe;G.R.Burt