- 가정학 연구의 최신 경향 대한가정학회(편)
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- 한국도시부부의 결혼만족도요인에 관한 연구 최규련
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- Journal of Marriage and the Family v.49 Determinants of father's participation in family work Barnett, R. C.;Baruch, G. K.
- Journal of Marriage and the Family v.54 Men's multiple roles and their relationship to men's psychological distress Barnett, R. C.;Marshall, N. L.;Pleck, J. H.
- The reproduction of mothering Chodorow, N.
- Family man: faterhood, housework, and gender equity Coltrane, Scott
- Men in families Husbands, lovers, and lonelliness De Jong-Gierveld, J.
- Journal of Marriage and the Family v.55 Reconceptualizing family work: The effect of emotion work on perceptions of marital quality Erickson, R. J.
- The managed heart: Commercialization of human feeling Hochschild, A. R.
- The second shift Hochschild, A. R.
- Portrait of divorce Kitson, G. C.;Holmes, W. M.
- Men in families Introduction:What men get out of marriage and parenthood Lewis, Robert A.
- Working wives, working husbands Pleck, J. H.
- Intimate strangers:Men and women together Rubin, L. B.
- Psychology Report v.53 Characteristics of responses to the Kansas Marital Satisfaction Scale by a sample of 84 married mothers Schumm, W.;Nicoles, C.;Schectman, K.;Grigsby, C.
- Rethinking the family Feminist rethinking the family Thorne, Barrie;Thorne B.;Yalom, M.(eds.)
- Psychology applied to modern life:Adjustment in the 90s Weiten, Wayne;Lloyd, Margret A.