가구주의 직업유형에 따른 소비지출양식의 비교분석

Comparative Analysis of Consumption Expenditures by Occupation of the Household Head

  • 최현자 (서울대학교 생활과학대학 소비자학과)
  • 발행 : 2000.03.01


This study has investigated the degree of similarities and/or differences of consumption expenditure styles among the households with different occupation. Two types of analysis were performed. One was comparative analysis which used to identify the changes of consumption expenditure styles among different occupation classes using time-series data of 1977-1996 Korean Urban Household Expenditure Survey and Rural Household Economy Survey. The other was multivariate analysis to investigate the effects of occupation on consumption expenditure styles with 1551 sample household data from 1996 Korean Urban Household Expenditure Survey. The results showed that the differences in consumption styles among different occupation classes including farmers are diminished during last two decades while there still exist some degree of differences in consumption styles. After controlling other socio-economic factors it is found that occupation is a determinant of consumption patterns of urban w ge earners especially consumption for clothing and health items.



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