부부 의사소통 유형과 부부폭력과의 관계

The Relationship between marital communication Style and Marital Violence

  • 김정옥 (효성카톨릭대학교 생활환경학과)
  • 발행 : 2000.03.01


The purpose of this study was to explore marital violence from a communication perspective. A total of 352 marital couples in Pusan completed a structured questionnaire. The major findings were as follows: 1,. Husbands and wives reciprocally inflicted psychological aggression and physical violence. But husbands were more to inflict sexual violence and injury toward their wives. 2. When husbands have more the distractor and the blamer of communication style. they inflicted more physical violence toward their wives. When wives have more the blamer of communication style they inflicted more psychological aggression and physical violence toward their husbands. 3, Housbands inflicted psychological aggression toward their wives when husbands experienced child abuse from their parents. husbands inflicted physical violence toward their wives when husbands have the distractor of communication style experienced witness of spousal violence between father and mother and experience of scho l violence experience in the middle and high school. Wives inflicted psychological aggression toward their husbands when wives experienced witness of spousal violence between father and mother and have the blamer of communication style. Wives inflicted physical violence toward their husbands when wives experienced child abuse from their parents.



  1. 이화여자대학교 박사학위청구논문 배우자 학대 부부집단 프로그램 개발에 관한 연구 권진숙
  2. 정신건강연구 no.3 구타당하는 아내 김광일
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  5. 한국가정관리학회지 v.6 no.1 가정폭력에 관한 연구-아내학대를 중심으로 김정옥
  6. 대한가정학회지 v.31 no.2 부부폭력에 대한 가정관리학적인 접근 김정옥
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