- IEEE Communications Magazine v.32 no.8 Connectionless service for public ATM networks B. Vickersand T. Suda
- Proceedings of SIGCOMM '94 Dynamics of TCP traffic over ATM networks A. Romanow;S. Floyd
- An engineering approach to computer networking S. Keshav
- IEEE Proc., INFOCOM Performance issues in VC-merge capable 20switches for IP over ATM networks I. Widjaja;A. I. Elwalid
- Broadband Integrated Networks M. Schwartz
- IEEE Trans. on Networking v.2 On the self-similar nature of Ethernet traffic(extended version) W. E. Leland;M. S. Taqqu;W. Willinger;D. V. Wilson
- IEEE Trans. on Networking v.5 Self-similarity in world wide web traffic : Evidence and possible cause M. E. Crovella;A. Bestavros
- IEEE Trans. on Networking v.3 Wide-area traffic : The failure of poisson modeling V. Paxson;S. Floyd
- IEEE Trans. on Networking v.5 On self-similar traffic in ATM queues : definition, overflow probability bound, and cell delay distribution B. Tsybakov;N. D. Georganas
- IEEE J. Select. Areas Commun. v.13 On the use of fractional brownian motion in the theory of connectionless networks I. Norros
- IEEE Trans. on Networking v.5 Self-similarity through high-variability : Statistical analysis of ethernet LAN traffic at the source level W. Willinger;M. Taqqu;R. Sherman;D. Wilson
- Proc. INFOCOM WF²Q : Worst-case Fair Weighted Fair Queuing J. C. R. Bennett;H. Zhang
- A generalized processor sharing approach to flow control in integrated services networks A. Parekh