유한 이층 영상평면 구조에 의한 EMI 차폐성능 분석

Analysis of EMI Shielding Performance of Two Finite Image Planes Configuration

  • 김진석 (송호대학 정보산업계열) ;
  • 윤재훈 (한국전자통신연구원 안테나기반기술팀) ;
  • 이애경 (한국전자통신연구원 전자파환경팀) ;
  • 김남 (충북대학교 정보통신공학과)
  • 발행 : 2000.05.01


영상평면을 사용하면 인쇄회로기판(PCB)의 전자파 복사를 효과적으로 감소시킬 수 있다. 이 논문은 이층 유한 영상평면이 PCB 로부터 방출하는 불요 전자파에 미치는 영향을 분석한 것이다. 유한 영상평면 구조의 해석을 삼각형 patch 모델을 모멘트 기법에 적용하여 이루어졌다. 기존에 보편적으로 사용하던 삼각형 분할방법을 개선하여 표면의 경계에 있는 삼각형에서 두 개의 기저함수를 삼각형 분할방법을 제안하고 그 결과가 수치해석의 정확도에 미치는 영향을 비교분석하였다.

EMI problem is very important in a printed circuit board design. This paper deals with image plane as one of the most effective method to reduce EMI in PCB. The shielding performance of one and two layers of image planes of finite width and length is analyzed by the method of moments based on the triangular surface patch model. The current distributions were modeled as two simple line sources. It is demonstrated that proper triangulation should be made so as to take two basis functions in the boundary triangles of the surface.



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  2. 10th Int. Symp. on Electromagn. Compat. The Effect of Finite Image Plane Width on the Radiation from an Electric Line Source T.A.Jerse;C.R.Paul;K.W.White
  3. IEEE Trans. Electromag. Compat. v.38 no.1 The Effectiveness of an Image Plane in Reducing Radiated Emissions J.T.Fessler;K.W.Whites;C.R.Paul
  4. Electronic. Lett. v.33 no.13 Analysis of EMI reduction by multilayers of image planes J.S. Kim;N. Kim
  5. IEEE Trans. Antennas. Propagat. v.AP-30 no.3 Electromagnetic Scattering by Surface of Arbitrary Shape S.M.Rao;D.R.Wilton;A.W.Glisson
  6. IEEE Conference on Electromagnetic Field Computation Numerical Analysis of Shielding Performance by Multi-Layers of Finite Size Image Planes J.S.Kim;J.H.Yun;N.Kim
  7. IEEE Trans. Antennas. Propagat. v.AP-28 no.5 Simple and Efficient Numerical Methods for Problems of Electromagnetic Radiation and Scattering from Surfaces A.W.Glisson;D.R.Wilton
  8. 11th. Int. Symp. on Electromagn. Compat. Numerical Modeling of Finite Size PCB for Radiated EMI Prediction S.Celozzi;A.Orlandi
  9. 1994 Intern. Symp. on Electromag. Compat. Prediction and Reduction of Radiated Emission from PCB T.Takahashi;N.Schibuya;K.Ito
  10. Numerical Techniques in Electromagnetics N.O.Sadiku
  11. Noise Reduction Techniques in Electronic Systems (2nd ed.) H.W.Ott
  12. Printed Circuit Board Design Techniques for EMC Compliance Mark I. Montrose