신경망의 선별학습 집중화를 이용한 효율적 온도변화예측모델 구현

Implementation of Efficient Weather Forecasting Model Using the Selecting Concentration Learning of Neural Network

  • 이기준 (조선대학교 전산통계학과) ;
  • 강경아 (조선대학교 전산통계학과) ;
  • 정채영 (조선대학교 전산통계학과)
  • 발행 : 2000.06.01


Recently, in order to analyze the time series problems that occur in the nature word, and analyzing method using a neural electric network is being studied more than a typical statistical analysis method. A neural electric network has a generalization performance that is possible to estimate and analyze about non-learning data through the learning of a population. In this paper, after collecting weather datum that was collected from 1987 to 1996 and learning a population established, it suggests the weather forecasting system for an estimation and analysis the future weather. The suggested weather forecasting system uses 28*30*1 neural network structure, raises the total learning numbers and accuracy letting the selecting concentration learning about the pattern, that is not collected, using the descending epsilon learning method. Also, the weather forecasting system, that is suggested through a comparative experiment of the typical time series analysis method shows more superior than the existing statistical analysis method in the part of future estimation capacity.



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  3. Regional drought analysis based on neural network in soulthwestern colorado H,-S. Shin
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  5. 한국수자원학회지 v.29 no.4 신경망 이론에 의한 강우예측에 관한 연구 오남선(외)
  6. 응용통계학회 v.1 no.1 시계열 모형을 이용한 측우기 자료의 분석 이성덕
  7. 응용통계학회 v.9 no.2 시계열 모형을 이용한 측우기 자료의 분석 조신섭
  8. IEEE IJCNN no.3 Descending Epsilon in Back-Propagation:A Technique for Better Generalization Y. H. Yu;R.F.Simmons