Photodegradation of Phosphamidon and Profenofos

Phosphamidon과 Profenofos의 광분해성

  • 민경진 (계명대학교 공중보건학과) ;
  • 차춘근 (계명대학교 공중보건학과)
  • Published : 2000.06.01


The present study was performed to investigate photodegradation rate constants and degradation products of phosphamidon and profenofos by the USEPA method. The two pesticides were very stable in 16 days exposure of sunlight from September 3 to 22, 1999 and humic acid had no sensitizing effect on the photolysis of each pesticide in sunlight. In the UV irradiation test, phosphamidon was rapidly degraded as increasing UV intensity. In case of UV irradiation with TiO2 and with TiO2 powder amount, degradation of profenofos showed no significant difference with UV irradiation. Photodegradation rate of profenofos was slower than that of phosphamidon. In order to identify photolysis products, the extracts of degradation products were analyzed by GC/MS. The mass spectra of photolysis products of phosphamidon were at m/z 153 and 149, those of the profenofos were at m/z 208 and 240, respectively. It was suggested that the photolysis products of phosphamidon were 0, 0-dimethyl phosphate(DMP) and N, N-diethylchloroacetamide, those of profenofos were 4-bromo-2-chlorophenol and 0-ethyl-S-propyl phosphate.
