Design of Symmetrical Slot-Coupled Back-to-Back Microstrip Array Antenna

대칭 슬롯 결합 Back-to-Back 마이크로스트립 배열 안테나의 설계

  • 김태현 (경희대학교 전자공학과)
  • Published : 2000.09.01


A new slot-coupled back-to-back microstrip array antenna is proposed for using in the IMT-2000 base station or repeater antenna. This antenna is composed of symmetrical SSAIP(Strip Slot, Air Inverted Patch) It has bidirectional radiation pattern in horizontal plane and 22.5$^{\circ}$main beam squint in vertical plane. The analysis is based on the cavity model and the design is achieved using Ensemble. Experimental results for the radiation pattern and the return loss have shown that the direction of the main beam is about 21$^{\circ}$and the impedance bandwidth is approximately 22.9% Thus the proposed antenna is able to operate over both uplink and downlink frequencies in IMT-2000.



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