상향채널 케이블 모뎀을 위한 S-CDMA 기술 분석

Analysis of S-CDMA Technique for Cable Modem Upstream Channel

  • 김기윤 (성균관대학교 전기전자컴퓨터공학부)
  • 발행 : 2000.09.01


S(Synchronous)-CDMA is a new cable modem technology applicable to the upstream channel for high speed multimedia communication using CATV networks. In this paper we analyze the transmitting and receiving process of S-CDMA scheme based on Terayon patent and derive bit error probability of S-CDMA and TDMA scheme in the $\varepsilon$-mixture impulse noise model which appropriately reflects impulse noise characteristics of upstream channel by using various parameters. This analysis results are a good match with the simulation results. We also compare Eb/No gain performance of S-CDMA with TDMA in 16, 32, 64, QAM.



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