공통선 신호 시스템의 ISDN 사용자부 신호 지연 분석

Analysis of ISUP signalling Delay in Common Channel Signaling System

  • 박철근 (선문대학교 전자정보통신공학부)
  • 발행 : 2000.09.01


As all delays resulting from the signaling network directly affect the response time of network management activity, all control informations have to be transported most efficiently. It is very important to know the performance of the signaling system not only because of smooth network operation but also because of efficient engineering of signaling networks. In this paper, we analyzed mean queueing delay of signaling link for ISUP signaling messages in common channel signaling system by using M[X]/G/1 and M[X]/D/1 batch arrival queueing system. This is because we modeled arrival process of the signaling messages as batch arrival process considering that many kinds of signaling messages are generated at short intervals when a call requests a connection. Analysis was carried out considering different call processing scenario based on ITU-T specification. We also described the numerical results from the different types of queueing models.



  1. Integrated Service Digital Network - ISDN ITU
  2. Specification of signalling system No.7 ITU
  3. Message Transfer Part - MTP ITU
  4. ISDN User Part - ISUP ITU
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  7. Engineering Networks for Synchronization, CCS7 and ISDN P. Bhatnager
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  11. Queueing System I Hideaki Takagi
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