Study on Improvement of UBR Traffic Performance using ABT Block Scheduling in Multicast ATM Networks

멀티캐스트 ATM망에서 ABT 블록스케쥴링을 이용한 UBR 트래픽 성능 개선에 관한 연구

  • 임동규 (한국전자통신연구원 상호운용성시험팀)
  • Published : 2000.10.01


This paper treats the interworking of LAN-based networks like TCP over the ATM protocol stack in an ATM multicast session. Multicast connection will cause CIP since multicast group members form a connection tree by some tree methods and share the connected tree. The paper solve the CIP problem through a block-by-block transmission using ABT/IT method. ABT/IT RM cell is modified and block scheduling algorithm considering the traffic types is applied to each ATM switch using the enhanced RM cell. Block scheduling algorithm will avoid the indiscriminate discard of UBR traffic when congestion occurs and it can provide an efficient and fair service. The paper builds a block scheduler system and suggests the block scheduling algorithm for a multicast session in an ATM switch. UBR traffics arriving at the switch trough each VC is classified by the traffic type and stored at class buffer and thereafter indisciminately transmitted. When block scheduling algorithm is applied it will improve the UBR traffic performance such as end-to-end delay cell block loss ration etc. This paper evaluated the performance of block scheduling algorithm through the simulation using the C language and data structure.



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