A Real-time Dynamic Storage Allocation Algorithm Supporting Various Allocation Policies

다양한 할당 정책을 지원하는 실시간 동적 메모리 할당 알고리즘

  • 정성무 (아주대학교 정보 및 컴퓨터공학부)
  • Published : 2000.10.01


This paper proposes a real-time dynamic storage allocation algorithm QSHF(quick-segregated-half-fit) that provides various memory allocation policies. that manages a free block list per each word size for memory requests of small size good(segregated)-fit policy that manages a free list per proper range size for medium size requests and half-fit policy that manages a free list per proper range size for medium size requests and half-fit policy that manages a free list per each power of 2 size for large size requests. The proposed algorithm has the time complexit O(1) and makes us able to easily estimate the worst case execution time(WCET). This paper also suggests two algorithm that finds the proper free list for the requested memory size in predictable time and if the found list is empty then finds next available non-empty free list in fixed time. In order to confirm efficiency of the proposed algorithm we simulated the memory utilization of each memory allocation policy. The simulation result showed that each policy guarantees the constant WCET regardless of memory size but they have trade-off between memory utilization and list management overhead.



  1. Prco. of 2nd Intn. Workshop on Real-Time Computing Systems and Applications An Algorithm with Constant Execution Time for Dynamic Storage Allocation Takeshi Ogasawara
  2. Proc. of Real-Time Technology and Application Symposium The Real-Time Behavior of Dynamic Memory Mangement in C++ Kelvin D. Nilsen;Hong Gao
  3. IEEE Software v.5 no.Issue 5 Concurrent Algorithms for Real-Time Memory Management Ray Ford
  4. Technical Report SPC-91061-CMC Ada Quality and Style: Guidelines for Professional Programmers Version 02.01.01 Doug Smith
  5. IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering v.23 no.12 Design of Dynamically Recon-figurable Real-Time Software Using Port-Based Objects David B. Stewart;R.A.Volpe;Pradeep K. Khosla
  6. Proc. of 5th IEEE Symposium on Parallel and Distributed Processing Parallel Dynamic Storage Allocation Algorithms Arun Lyengar
  7. Proc. of 6th Symposium on the Frontiers of Massively Parallel Computing Scalability of Dynamic Storage Allocation Algorithms Arun Iyengar
  8. Proc. of Intn. Workshop on Memory Management Dynamic Storage Allocation: A Survey and Critical Review Paul R. Wilson;Mark S. Johnstone;Michael Neely;David Boles
  9. Proc. of Intn. Symposium on Memory Management The Memory Fragmentation Problem: Solved? Mark S. Johnstone;Paul R. Wilson
  10. Ph.D. thesis, Carnegie Mellon University Dynamic Storage Allocation Techniques Charles B. Weinstock
  11. SIGPLAN Notices v.23 no.10 Quick Fit: An Efficient Algorithm for Heap Storage Allocation Charles B. Weinstock
  12. Implementation of malloc See also the short paper on the implementation of this allocator Doug Lea
  13. The Art of Computer Programming, Volume1: Fundamental Algorithms Donald E. Knuth
  14. Communications of the ACM v.20 no.3 A Comparison of Next-fit, First-fit, and Best-fit C.Bay
  15. Communications of the ACM v.8 no.10 A Fast Storage Allocator Kenneth C. Knowlton
  16. Communications of the ACM v.20 no.6 Buddy Systems J.L.Peterson;T.A.Norman
  17. Proc. of IFIPS Dynamic Storage Allocation of Arbitrary Sized Segments J.S.Fenton;D.W.Payne
  18. Data Structure Techniques Thomas Standish
  19. Proc. of the 9th Symposium on Operating Systems Principles;Also published as Operating Systems Review v.17 no.5 Fast Fits: New Method for Dynamic Storage Allocation C.J.Stephon
  20. ACM Transactions on Programming Languages and Systems v.11 no.3 Efficient Implementation of the First-Fit Strategy for Dynamic Storage Allocation R.P.Brent
  21. Communications of the ACM v.27 no.3 The Software Lookaside Buffer Reduces Search Overhead with Linked Lists G.Bozman
  22. Communications of the ACM v.28 no.5 Adaptive Exact-Fit Storage Management R.R.Oldehoeft;S.J.Allan
  23. Software Practice and Experience v.23 no.8 CustoMalloc: Efficient Synthesized Memory Allocators D.Grunwald;B.Zorn
  24. Communications of the ACM v.16 no.10 A Class of Dynamic Memory Allocation Algorithms D.S.Hirschberg
  25. Communications of the ACM v.17 no.10 A Weighted Buddy Method for Dynamic Storage Allocation K.K.Shen;J.L.Peterson
  26. Technical Report 79, Computer Science Department, Indiana University The Double Buddy-System David S. Wise
  27. Communications of the ACM v.20 no.11 Anomalous Behavior of the Fifty-percent Rule in Dynamic Memory Allocation J.E.Shore